University Police at Penn State is responsible for the protection of and service to its students, faculty, and staff. In addition, University Police is charged with the protection of property and maintenance of order as well as the enforcement of both the laws of the Commonwealth and University regulations. University Police has full law enforcement authority.
Report a Crime
To report a crime to University Police, call 911 or call Penn State Altoona Police at 814-949-5222. Additionally, you may file a crime report online.
Emergencies: 911
University Police Phone: 814-949-5222
Building Location
Poplar Building
236 E. Wopsononock Ave.
Altoona, PA 16601
Mailing Address
Poplar Building
3000 Ivyside Park
Altoona, PA 16601
For more information, contact:
Jason Salm
Lieutenant, Station Commander
University Police, Penn State Altoona